Sometime ago, we did talk about the importance of living in communion with our churches or our comunities. Let us now turn our focus on what our comunities give to us and what we give to them in response. Riflecting on this issue of being in comunion with our comunities, let us chiefly ask ourselves these two questions: What do we receive from our comunities and what do we give to them?
Surely we have to receive from them a certain kind of formation. Yes, on the level of priorities we receive the human and spiritual formations which are indeed fundamental in our lives. These two kinds of formation -if integrated well in a certain comunity- can produce men and women of tomorrow; people responsible for their lives and the whole human race. We are talking about the fact that the comunity in its real communal sense, has to give to its own members an integral formation and the members have to dispose themselves wholeheartetly to this kind of formation.
Therefore, having received this formation from the comunity, it becomes easy for the members to understand and to live the Gospel -the christian life. The life that establishes itself in the self-giving of its members and also for the edification of their comunity and the whole human race. It is evident that there is reciprocal aspect in this case, and this advocates for continuous formation and update. In order to achieve this, there is a need for openness, new methods as well as to critisism.
By: K. Albert and M. Lawrence
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